Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Why Use SAS?
When it comes to statistical analysis, without doubt, SAS is the best choice and the tool of choice. I really can't think of any tools which can offer the same level of flexibility for analyzing the data. Below is an excerpt from a book which echos the same opinion:
While consulting for dozens of companies over 25 years of statistical application to clinical investigation, I have never seen a successful clinical program that did not use SAS.
--Preface,Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples, Glenn A. Walker
While consulting for dozens of companies over 25 years of statistical application to clinical investigation, I have never seen a successful clinical program that did not use SAS.
--Preface,Common Statistical Methods for Clinical Research with SAS Examples, Glenn A. Walker

Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Program Control Depending On Number of Observations
If you have a dataset, the subsequent program's execuation depends on whether this dataset exists or have at least one observation.
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(demo_ds));
%if &dsid ^= 0 %then %do;
%let nobs = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, nlobs));
%let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
%if &dsid ^= 0 & nobs ^= 0 %then ....
%let dsid = %sysfunc(open(demo_ds));
%if &dsid ^= 0 %then %do;
%let nobs = %sysfunc(attrn(&dsid, nlobs));
%let rc = %sysfunc(close(&dsid));
%if &dsid ^= 0 & nobs ^= 0 %then ....

Detect Quoted Macro String
If you have a macro string like this:
%let keyword = "Google";
, you want to determine if this macro string is a quoted string. Below is a handy macro code that does that:
%if %qsubstr(&keyword, 1, 1) = %str(%") &
%qsubstr(&grp, %length(&grp), 1) = %str(%") %then
%let is_a_quoted_string = Yes;
%let keyword = "Google";
, you want to determine if this macro string is a quoted string. Below is a handy macro code that does that:
%if %qsubstr(&keyword, 1, 1) = %str(%") &
%qsubstr(&grp, %length(&grp), 1) = %str(%") %then
%let is_a_quoted_string = Yes;

Monday, April 12, 2010
Get The Last Day of The Month
Suppose you have a date and want to get the last date of the month of this date. You can accomplish this easily by using INTNX function. Here is the SAS code which does that:
data demo;
format a b mmddyy10.;
a = '02-FEB-2008'd;
/* specifying 'e' will give you the last day of the month */
b = intnx('mon', a, 0,'e');
You can further explore INTNX by reading this paper:
data demo;
format a b mmddyy10.;
a = '02-FEB-2008'd;
/* specifying 'e' will give you the last day of the month */
b = intnx('mon', a, 0,'e');
You can further explore INTNX by reading this paper:

Convert a Number to a String With Leading Zeros
Suppose you have a list of numbers and want to convert them to a string with leading zeros. Here is the SAS code which does that:
data demo;
input a;
/* convert a number to a 7-character long string*/
b1 = put(a, z7.);
/*use compress function to handle missing values*/
b2 = compress(b1,'.');
/* combine two statements together */
b = compress(put(a, z7.), '.');
; run;
data demo;
input a;
/* convert a number to a 7-character long string*/
b1 = put(a, z7.);
/*use compress function to handle missing values*/
b2 = compress(b1,'.');
/* combine two statements together */
b = compress(put(a, z7.), '.');
; run;

SAS Pass Through Query Interacting With a SAS Dataset
Suppose you have a list of customer account IDs in a SAS dataset and want to find all the customer records of these account IDs in an Oracle table. Since you can't join a SAS dataset with an Oracle table within a pass through query, you have to resort to SAS macro to pass the list into the query. Here is the SAS sample code which shows how to do this:
data acct_id;
input acct_id $;
; run;
data _null_;
set acct_id end = last;
length acct_list $1000.;
retain acct_list;
if _n_ = 1 then acct_list = "'"||trim(acct_id)||"'";
else acct_list = trim(acct_list)||",'"||trim(acct_id)||"'";
%put &acct_list;
proc sql;
connect to oracle (user=your_user_id password=your_password);
create table cust_data as
select * from connection to oracle
select *
from cust_db
where acct_id in (&acct_list.)
disconnect from oracle;
data acct_id;
input acct_id $;
; run;
data _null_;
set acct_id end = last;
length acct_list $1000.;
retain acct_list;
if _n_ = 1 then acct_list = "'"||trim(acct_id)||"'";
else acct_list = trim(acct_list)||",'"||trim(acct_id)||"'";
/*export the list to a macro variable*/
if last then call symput("acct_list", acct_list);run;
%put &acct_list;
proc sql;
connect to oracle (user=your_user_id password=your_password);
create table cust_data as
select * from connection to oracle
select *
from cust_db
where acct_id in (&acct_list.)
disconnect from oracle;

First Two Digits of NABP/NCPDP Number
The NABP assigns a unique seven-digit code for each licensed pharmacy in the United States. The NABP number is being referred to as the NCPDP pharmacy number. The first two digits indicate state; and the seventh is a “check” digit. Below is the SAS code which generates the mapping of the first two digits of NABP number and state abbreviation code:
data nabp2_state_cd;
input nabp2 $ state_cd $ @@;
01 AL 02 AK 03 AZ 04 AR 05 CA
06 CO 07 CT 08 DE 09 DC 10 FL
11 GA 12 HI 13 ID 14 IL 15 IN
16 IA 17 KS 18 KY 19 LA 20 ME
21 MD 22 MA 23 MI 24 MN 25 MS
26 MO 27 MT 28 NE 29 NV 30 NH
31 NJ 32 NM 33 NY 34 NC 35 ND
36 OH 37 OK 38 OR 39 PA 40 PR
41 RI 42 SC 43 SD 44 TN 45 TX
46 UT 47 VT 48 VA 49 WA 50 WV
51 WI 52 WY 55 MP 56 CA
; run;
data nabp2_state_cd;
input nabp2 $ state_cd $ @@;
01 AL 02 AK 03 AZ 04 AR 05 CA
06 CO 07 CT 08 DE 09 DC 10 FL
11 GA 12 HI 13 ID 14 IL 15 IN
16 IA 17 KS 18 KY 19 LA 20 ME
21 MD 22 MA 23 MI 24 MN 25 MS
26 MO 27 MT 28 NE 29 NV 30 NH
31 NJ 32 NM 33 NY 34 NC 35 ND
36 OH 37 OK 38 OR 39 PA 40 PR
41 RI 42 SC 43 SD 44 TN 45 TX
46 UT 47 VT 48 VA 49 WA 50 WV
51 WI 52 WY 55 MP 56 CA
; run;

Finding The Closest String
When you type a wrong keyword in Google, Google will return the result along with the closet string to your keyword. You may wonder if you can do the same thing in SAS. Fortunately, SAS offers a handy function called SPEDIS which can allow you to perform the closest string search. It gives a value measuring the SPElling DIStance between two strings. The lower the value is, the closer two strings are, whereas 0 means two strings are identical. Here is an example. Suppose you want to find LIPITER in your drug database and can't find it, then you realize you may have spelled a wrong brand name and wonder what is the correct one. Below is the SAS code which will return the closest brand name:
data drug_db;
input brand_name $;
; run;
proc sql outobs = 1;
select brand_name
from drug_db
order by spedis(brand_name,'LIPITER')
; quit;
data drug_db;
input brand_name $;
; run;
proc sql outobs = 1;
select brand_name
from drug_db
order by spedis(brand_name,'LIPITER')
; quit;

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